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Nature, sports, and taste:
all the best of Trentino.

Numerous activities in the Trentino region for every season

Dolomites, excursions, traditions, and a thousand experiences to live!

Alt Spaur Hotel is the perfect place for your vacation: the starting point for every adventure in Trentino! A fortunate location in a village, Spormaggiore, where the pace is slow and relaxation is guaranteed. From here, you can discover a unique territory and all the experiences it offers: at any time of the year, you will find splendid places to visit and plenty of activities ranging from sports to wellness.

Lake Tovel and the magic of autumn

Unmissable for its beauty, in autumn, Lake Tovel truly shines. Located in the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, its surface acts as a mirror reflecting the marvelous colors of the trees, providing a breathtaking view.

Take a moment to enjoy the sight by the lake’s shore or immerse yourself in the hues of the surrounding forest by walking along the path that encircles it.

Alt Spaur - Lago di Tovel
AlSpaur - Spa e acquapark ad Andalo

SPA and Water Park in Andalo: all about well-being

With family or as a couple: well-being is at home around here. Fun and relaxation for both adults and children await you at ACQUAin in Andalo: games, pools, and water slides suitable for all ages are complemented by saunas, massages, and wellness treatments in the splendid setting of the Brenta Dolomites.

And for sports enthusiasts looking to stay active, there’s the opportunity to swim in the five 25-meter lanes.

Spormaggiore Wildlife Park

Spormaggiore Wildlife Park is the perfect place to experience the unique opportunity of observing animals that live in the Dolomites in semi-natural conditions up close.

An exceptional fauna with unique specimens: the park is a perfect destination for all ages, thanks to the presence of an educational farm dedicated to the youngest visitors.

AltSpaur - Attività sul territorio trentino

On foot or by bike: excursions on the Paganella

The Paganella area offers activities suitable for everyone: it’s perfect for trekking or walks in the woods, for via ferrata routes and both traditional and electric mountain biking.

During your outings, you can also discover mountain huts ready to welcome you with products typical of our mountains.

Wines and food: exploring Trentino’s food and wine culture

Keyword: Taste the typical flavors of Trentino.

Discover and visit the distilleries and wineries in the Val di Non where you can participate in guided tastings of local products, or explore our mountain huts in the Dolomites where you can sample flavorful alpine cheeses, locally sourced cured meats, and the legendary Val di Non apple fritters.

AltSpaur - Attività sulla neve Altopiano della Paganella

Sports and fun: snow activities

The Paganella Plateau offers an extensive range of winter activities.

From Alt Spaur, you can go skiing on the best ski slopes or enjoy a fun sledding ride. Moreover, you can go snowshoeing in the snowy woods, take hikes, or go ice skating.

And that’s not all: have you ever tried snow amusement parks?